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Abe Jonatan

Abe Jonatan


Abe Jonatan

Fun Fact/Favorite Hobby: I picked up crocheting recently and started off making Amigurumis as a way to decompress (FYI they end up being great gifts when you’re done with projects). Lately I have been working on larger projects (blankets, pieces clothing and such).

Vet School: University of Sydney College of Veterinary Medicine, Australia.

Funniest Client Experience: I once had an older (16+ yo) indoor/outdoor cat named Miss Kitty presented as a new patient - as expected with a she/her pronouns. Well, Miss Kitty ended up having an appendage that was unbeknownst to the owner then. After a rather rowdy laughter between the two of us, owner decided to keep her pronouns as such. The importance of physical examination.

Advice for new grads: Doctors, welcome to the profession. You have spent a lot of time, blood, sweat and tears to get to where you are at now and yet your journey has just begun. Use your hard-earned knowledge and contemplate about the WHYs behind your decisions – medical and/or others. One will NEVER know EVERYTHING but that is ok; Ask for help if you need to but learn how to come to your own conclusions.

Be kind to yourself and stop worrying about what other people think, say and/or do. As Maya Angelou once said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

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